Get a Philippines Virtual Phone Number with +63 for Free
How to Use These Philippines Temporary Phone Numbers?
Choose a Philippines phone number from the list below.
Send a text message to the chosen number, free of charge.
Click "Open" and wait one minute to receive your SMS.
These are fictitious or temporary Philippines virtual phone numbers, meaning they are available only for a limited time. Some Philippines numbers last for months, while others may only be active for a few days.
Please avoid using Philippines phone numbers for sensitive purposes such as passwords, private messages, or phone verification for essential websites. Since the SMS from these numbers are publicly visible, others may gain access to your information.
If you are not located in Philippines but need to use a website or app restricted to Philippines users, you can use these phone numbers to authenticate your account.
Many websites that require phone number verification may limit the number of times a number can be used. In such cases, some of our Philippines phone numbers may become blocked. Simply select another Philippines phone number from our list.